Thursday, April 14, 2011

Best burger store and coffee store ever.

Guess what? It's the Carl's JR and Starbucks Coffee. Yeah! The Carl's burger will give the people a satisfaction.  If you haven't try it, then get some. Sadly, Carl's only available at few places in Malaysia. Tips for you. Do not buy the sandwich only. Buy the whole set, eat it at the restaurant and you'll be in love with the burger. 


I think most of you know Starbucks. The place for coffee lover. Why does i choose Starbucks is because they purchases and roasts high-quality whole bean coffees and sells them along with fresh, rich-brewed, Italian style espresso beverages, a variety of pastries and confections, and coffee-related accessories and equipment - primarily through its company-operated retail stores . 

One of my favourite is Guatemala Casi Cielo. Casi Cielo means almost heaven. One waft of the aroma of this coffee will take you to the clouds. Lemony accents permiate the air while a subdued hint of cocoa and berries lingers upon your senses. The coffee smells deep and dark but this is just a feign to the reality of its smooth elegance. Can you feel it? Maybe not. 

You don't have to waste all day and all night to find the best coffee in the world. Just go to Starbucks Coffee. You'll feel satisfied with the coffee. they not just a coffee but you can have a tea as well.

SHITT ! I'm thirsty. I would like to have a caramel frappuccino or maybe a Java Chip Frappuccino. You should try some too.



For more information. go to.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cute little monster

This tiny little creature called Tarsier is very cute !

Tarsiers are small animals with enormous eyes. Each eyeball is approximately 16 mm in diameter and is as large as their entire brain. Cool ! This animal get his name from its elongated tarsus bone which is located at its feet. Can I get 1 for my birthday?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Eddie Murphy and his roommate Paan Kelepap.

Do you know Eddie Murphy the hollywood actress? He is my friend.

He is kind. He keep smiling although he is angry. He can't scold anybody because he is Eddie Murphy, keep laughing 'hihihihihi' sambil tutup mulut. Cute la tu? This Eddie couple with a machine called Cik Moon. Entah ape-ape la orang zaman sekarang ni. Gay ada, Les ada dengan Machine pun ada. Susah hidup. This Cik Moon can run like almost 80km/hour. wow! 

Paan The KELEPAPS! Where did he get the kelepap? Ask him.

That is Paan. He is not stingy but he is very sensitive about money. Agak2 la nak saving pun. Ni sampai sangup mati kebuluran sebab dah terlebih budget 10 sen. Look at his picture up there. Lepas makan KFC ni, seminggu dia tak makan. One more thing, this men is very obsessed with his ITF ( It's the fucker) taekwondo. Haha. mamat ni boleh bergerakkan tetek dia. Giller babi o.o
Paan, I know, It's not Hari Raya yet but aku nak mintak maaf kat kau sebab selalu perli kau kutuk kau. Kau memang baik. suke tolong member, cuci jalan, dll.

Anyway we enjoyed living together. Ada orang gila, ada yang suka kene perli, ada bulu, ada KL, ada Misai and the others. 

Saving-saving si paan ni pun, enjoy jugak. Tadi dia beli Pisang goreng o.o

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's The Cataracs!

This DEV is Hot!

Final exam is around the corner. what i should i do?

  1. Study for Thermodynamics
  2. Study for Mechanical engineering
  3. Play Futsal
  4. Plan for a vacation after Finals! yeah!

Most of the assignment have been submitted. So, i'm a bit relax now.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Engineer took a vacation.

Jambu planned an event for almost 1 week time. the plan was successful but It's a bit late. We started our journey at 11 in the morning. Wooh! The vacation was fun. Thanks Jambu and friends. We reached our destination at 4 o'clock. It's a long and tiring journey doh. Fuhh! Letih gila babi habaq ang.

As soon as we reached at Sedim River, we ate chicken rice and drink some carbonated drink before we jump off a bridge. wohooo! The water is very refreshing. Can you feel it, the softness of the river water? haha. We played with the water until almost 5.30. Here's some pict.

Then, the journey start to move again. our next destination was Ulu Legong's Hot Spring. In about half an hour, accident happened. It involves Sentul, Natan and Naim's Motorcycle. Naim was at front. He rushed back to the place where the accident happened. He worried his motorbike more than his friends. Gladly, nothing happened. Just his motorbike ada patah patah sikit. The rider was safe. Actually the accident happen in a way of fun. want to know more? ask em, who was at behind Sentul and Natan.

In about 7 O'clock, we stopped by a heavy rain so, Kite lepak jap kat restoran tepi jalan ni. Alang2 dah pukul 7.30, kitepun sembahyanglah beramai2. Maklumlah sume alim2. haha. Then, dalam pukul 8 lebih cam tu, kitepun sambung berjalan. Hahah.

The moon was very beautiful.

We reached our last destination at 9 suku iaitu The Ulu Legong Hot Spring. Yeah.! Air panas cam haram.
tapi kalau dah lama2, ok la. First2 masuk skali gus, confirm rasa cam nak mati plus pening2 sikit. fuhh. Tapi yang slacknye, kite awal sangat. kalau lambat sikit, Awek bersepah oh. Lagi lambat, lagi ramai. Time nak blah, slipar KARO hilang. pity. So, dia pun rembat slipar orang lain. Yang peliknye, nak rembat pun, rembat la slipar yang lawa sikit. ni pegi rembat slipar permpuan warna pink plak tu. Barai Gile. Hahaha.

A melody, a memory, or just one picture. Haha. Ok. Bye!