Sunday, March 27, 2011

Eddie Murphy and his roommate Paan Kelepap.

Do you know Eddie Murphy the hollywood actress? He is my friend.

He is kind. He keep smiling although he is angry. He can't scold anybody because he is Eddie Murphy, keep laughing 'hihihihihi' sambil tutup mulut. Cute la tu? This Eddie couple with a machine called Cik Moon. Entah ape-ape la orang zaman sekarang ni. Gay ada, Les ada dengan Machine pun ada. Susah hidup. This Cik Moon can run like almost 80km/hour. wow! 

Paan The KELEPAPS! Where did he get the kelepap? Ask him.

That is Paan. He is not stingy but he is very sensitive about money. Agak2 la nak saving pun. Ni sampai sangup mati kebuluran sebab dah terlebih budget 10 sen. Look at his picture up there. Lepas makan KFC ni, seminggu dia tak makan. One more thing, this men is very obsessed with his ITF ( It's the fucker) taekwondo. Haha. mamat ni boleh bergerakkan tetek dia. Giller babi o.o
Paan, I know, It's not Hari Raya yet but aku nak mintak maaf kat kau sebab selalu perli kau kutuk kau. Kau memang baik. suke tolong member, cuci jalan, dll.

Anyway we enjoyed living together. Ada orang gila, ada yang suka kene perli, ada bulu, ada KL, ada Misai and the others. 

Saving-saving si paan ni pun, enjoy jugak. Tadi dia beli Pisang goreng o.o

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